
Crownthorpe Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc

Crownthorpe Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc paired with Sticky Chipotle Ribs
September 18, 2019

The label of this wine had me feeling nostalgic, just like the feeling of the last week of August. School buses are back on their routes. Leaves are just starting to turn orange and red. The days are ending just a tad bit sooner than they had the week before. It’s that feeling that makes you put on your favorite record and finally delve into that book you meant to read all summer long.  Sauvignon Blanc is an old favorite of mine. It’s usually very approachable for someone new to wine. It has a fun name, light color, and no…


Wild River Pinot Noir

Wild River Pinot Noir paired with Piri Piri Chicken
February 14, 2018

Another day, another wine from New Zealand. Needless to say, I didn’t have high hopes. New Zealand was quickly becoming my least favorite region. Seeing that it was a pinot noir only made things worse and made me long for my favorite pinot noirs from Oregon. It’s not that I didn’t believe that New Zealand didn’t make any great wines, but I did believe that Wine Awesomeness was failing to send me any. This wine, while produced by Mount Brown Vineyards is not placed under the Mount Brown label. It exists as an offshoot of the main vineyard label. The…


Tora Bay Sauvignon Blanc

November 12, 2017

This week marked the first week I would be trying a white wine since starting my blog and that had me quite excited. I do love red wine, but it was definitely time for a white. This wine would also be my first ever wine to try from New Zealand. Before I even opened the wine I wanted to take note of how gorgeous the bottle’s label was. The dark label really allowed the bright silver of the fish design to pop. It made me think of an island like New Zealand and I hoped to be transported there by…