Red, White

March 2020 Wines

April 15, 2020

Well, I thought February was a long month, but now it seems like a distant dream. March has been absolutely unprecedented. COVID-19 is rapidly changing the world as we know it. Everyone is now practicing social distancing and working from home when possible. As someone who already worked from home, I haven’t had as much of a transition as most people. I’m very thankful for that. However, as a usual work-from-homer, I fully encourage the wearing sweatpants daily as well as picking up a new hobby. I suggest wine tasting! Silicon Valley Wine Co. 2017 ONESandZEROS Red – Rating 4.5/5…

Red, White

February 2020 Wines

March 4, 2020

I know February claims to be the shortest of months, but to me it always feels like one of the longest. At least that groundhog finally told us that Spring would be coming early! I cannot remember the last time that happened. Fortunately, I had a few wines to help me make it through the month! Vinaccio Rosso (Tim Manning) Non-Vintage Nerello Mascalese – Rating 1/5 This wine was from Sicily, Italy and sampled on February 5, 2020. I haven’t had many Italian wines, but I regularly hear good things, so this one interested me quite a bit. I was…

Red, White

January 2020 Wines

February 6, 2020

This year in wine tasting started out a little rough. I started with three 2-star ratings in a row. However, the end of the month rounded out quite well with a 4- and a 5-star. Also, welcome to the new blog format! I will now be doing a roundup of all of the wines I’ve tried during the month, making for a more concise list of information and ratings. I hope you enjoy! Traversa 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon – Rating 2/5 This wine was from Montevideo, Uruguay and sampled on January 5, 2020. I didn’t even know Uruguay grew wine grapes…


Estampa Reserva White Blend

Estampa Reserva White Blend paired with a Charcuterie Board
June 13, 2018

I have to say; upon inspection I was not very impressed with this bottle of wine. The label seemed kind of blah. There was nothing about it that drew me in and with the light colored wine inside, it just made me think of dry wheat blowing in a field somewhere. That being said, I pushed my impressions aside and began my research.  I discovered that the winery that made this wine was actually beautiful and very interesting. Just a quick tour of their website produced an image of their facility that was breathtaking. The architectural design is award winning…


Iconic Wines SK Chardonnay

Iconic Wines SK Chardonnay paired with Roast Goose and Brussel Sprouts
February 7, 2018

It’s safe to say, I was pumped for this week. It was time to try another wine form Iconic Wines! Last time I received a wine from this producer, it was a Rosé. I loved the tradition of labeling the bottles with female superhero figures. It was fun and the label art was very cool and well done. According to Iconic Wines’ website, this bottle was actually referred to as “SK Chardonnay.” The SK stands for sidekick. They have also produced an “SK Cabernet Sauvignon” and claim that these wines “represent the finest wine we create at everyday drinking value.”…


Graef Chardonnay

December 4, 2017

I know I have had my fair share of Chardonnays. I think just about everyone has. Those golden hued bottles pull you to them in just the right way. Maybe just the golden color makes us feel a little richer. If you are looking for something familiar you can usually count on that oaky, buttery taste. However in recent years, the Chardonnay industry has been shaking it up a bit and it is proving to be quite the improvement according to wine lovers far and wide… Chardonnay is the most popular white wine grape in the entire world and the…