
Folk Machine White Light

Folk Machine White Light paired with Jamaican Jerk Chicken & a Sweet Potato

This wine’s label was putting me in a fun mood and I hadn’t even opened it yet! The funny shapes of the Edison light bulbs and the use of some clever white space made this wine appear carefree and refreshing. I had high hopes for a perfect Spring wine.

As you probably guessed, this was a white wine blend. It consisted of 40% Riesling, 30% Tocai Friulano, 11% Verdelho, 11% Sauvignon Blanc, and 8% Muscat. The wines were sourced from various areas in California keeping true with the Hobo Wine Company philosophy. Yes! A winery called the Hobo Wine Company made this wine! I found this quite amusing.

Kenny Likitprakong owns the company and he received the term “hobo winemaker” because he was the dirtiest winemaker his friend in the wine industry knew. Kenny traveled and lived kind of like a hobo from age seventeen to his mid-twenties. But he considered himself a wine hobo because he owned no vineyards, machinery, truck, or warehouse. However, now he does have a few tools as well as employees at his disposal and Folk Machine is a sub-brand of The Hobo Wine Company. *

This wine was inspired while on a trip to the vortexes of Sedona, Arizona. The vortexes are energy centers located throughout Sedona. They include magnetic, electrical, and balanced vortexes. Magnetic vortexes are said to contain yin or more female energy. Electrical vortexes contain yang or male energy and balanced are a mix of both. Feelings and experiences may become more intense when around these vortexes. I had never heard of these before, but it seems like an interesting natural phenomenon to experience. Sedona offers several tours of the vortexes. I suppose you could say, “I want to believe.” *

This wine was from mostly Suisun Valley, California and sampled on April 20, 2018. The wine was very pale in color and straw-like. It smelled just like lemon bars! The citrus was so strong! Soft yellow apple scents were also coming through. I was listening to “Poison” by Rita Ora. There was even more citrus in the first taste. It had surprisingly low acidity though. The citrus became a bit overpowering the more I drank. It went well with the Caribbean spices on the Jamaican Jerk chicken. The citrus and spice combined to transport me back to Jamaica on my honeymoon. I could smell the ocean air and feel the warmth of the sun all over again.

I gave this wine a rating of 3.0. It was easily paired with food, but I would not drink it alone. The citrus smells and tastes by themselves were just too much.



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