
Noble Hill Wines #Simply Syrah

Noble Hill Wines #Simply Syrah paired with Pork Rinds and Guacamole

I knew this week was going to be a fun week. The label of the wine I would be trying had simply a # and a wine glass emoji on it. Too funny! It was an adorable and very on topic way to label a wine. It also lets the drinker have a little more fun with trying it out because there will be less pressure after a good round of giggles. It would also be a fun wine to share with others because of what a great conversation starter it would make.

While this wine does come from Noble Hill Wines, it is not listed as one of their main wines on their site. They have a different 2015 Syrah that is produced under their normal label. This wine was more a fun offshoot of their normal vintages created just for fun and with simplicity in mind. Because, sometimes at the end of the day, you just want a wine that you can drink without having to think too much about it.

Syrah is one of the darker wines that you can buy, but it also has more antioxidants than most other wines. Syrah is the sixth most planted grape in the world.* While Syrah comes from France, it is more popular to grow in Australia, but this bottle came from South Africa.* Usually in South Africa, the grape is known as Shiraz instead of Syrah, so it’s particularly interesting to see this bottle labeled as Syrah.

This wine was from Paarl, South Africa and sampled on October 28, 2017. I noted the deep maroon color that Syrah is generally known for. The scents coming from my glass were all kinds of tiny berries. There were also wet earth scents. It reminded me of walking barefoot after a rain in my backyard and picking and eating the wild blackberries that grew there. I was listening to “Kiss and Tell” by Ciara. My first taste was quite jammy. To be honest, I wasn’t getting much from the taste, but I thought that it would make for a very easy drinking wine. The pepper on the pork rinds might have been the perfect pairing for this wine.

I gave this wine a rating of 3.0. It was an easy drinking wine. Not impressive in any way really, but I think the winemaker achieved exactly what they were going for here.


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