
Tora Bay Sauvignon Blanc

Tora Bay Sauvignon Blanc paired with Havarti and almonds

This week marked the first week I would be trying a white wine since starting my blog and that had me quite excited. I do love red wine, but it was definitely time for a white. This wine would also be my first ever wine to try from New Zealand.

Before I even opened the wine I wanted to take note of how gorgeous the bottle’s label was. The dark label really allowed the bright silver of the fish design to pop. It made me think of an island like New Zealand and I hoped to be transported there by my taste buds very soon.

I felt that I was fairly familiar with Sauvignon Blanc, but since this journey is about discovery, I decided to do a little research anyway. I quickly learned that while Sauvignon Blanc is grown all over, it was originally New Zealand that started making it famous in the 1980s. It is known for it’s bright fruitiness and is also sometimes referred to as Sancerre. *

This wine was from New Zealand and sampled on February 17, 2017. After swirling, I inhaled scents of peach, mango, and then a hint of lime. This transported me straight to island time! Even though I was prepared for a fully juice taste, I was completely surprised by the sensation when I let it swirl around my tongue. It felt almost like I had bitten into a peach! At the same time I was reminded of tasting the honeysuckles that grew wild around the home I grew up in. I was listening to “400 Lux” by Lorde. Then I tried a bite of Havarti and it really brought out a delightful nutty flavor in the cheese. It was rather a delicious experience.

I gave this wine a rating of 3.5. Thinking back, that might have been a little low for this first white, but it is helping to set the standard for similar future wines.



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